Going to make more game dev updates

Maps are going super well, i got the main outdoors tileset set up


and it works beautifully! (not going to show, as i want it to be a nice surprise to see the maps) i’m going for a more spring, happy and heavenly bright atmosphere. after all, the surface is supposed to be something nice for everyone to want to fight for lmao. hopefully it looks nice and not like, bland.

oh, one big thing that’s changing is that i’m going to change the opening’s storybook style into a color stained glass art style. i think it’d give the game more of a unique look to it, so we’ll see how that goes!

As for the remade game demo release, it should be done in a few months? I don't want to give an exact date, but I'm optimistic! This new version will be far superior to the old in a tons of different ways, I hope you're all excited for it as I am! :D

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